Saturday, 15 November 2008

in loving memory of H.

I never intended to be much of a 'big blogger' blog(s) being more for my own information, a place to keep links and things of interest to me, and posting sometimes on the other one(the Midden). This one I didn't intend posting much on at all, but it's my music blog, and something musical and personal is relevant which I want to say.

(also feel that the actual blog entries are really more like a journal for and to myself than anything of much interest or information to others.......I do feel chuffed to bits when anyone does send a post!)

anyway.....I mentioned over on the other one about the recent death of my friend, and I suddenly thought of how he was the one who introduced me to opera years ago, and we used to kid one another on because I loved Wagner(the music, not the man) and he hated him, and he'd say, "Vomit, vomit!!!!!!" whenever I mentioned Wagner.....

so here's to you, dear friend, and I'm sure you're enjoying a glass of fine wine with your heroine Maria Callas......

Friday, 17 October 2008

....and another......

"Be My Number Two" by Joe Jackson
the original possible(but as likely as winning the lottery) fantasy......just for it.......

song memories

I find songs trigger very vivid memories of things - have been meaning to make a list for ages, and right now I'm listening to a random favourites selection while surfing, and one just came on which was so strong: might as well start now.

"You'll Never Find" by Lou Rawls
straight back to when me and A. were first going out together.....this one and
"Every Kinda People" by Robert Palmer
make me think of sitting in that park, on the hillside, soft breeze blowing past, looking down over the city; sitting like you do on a sledge, me in front, just gazing across the landscape, and such a feeling of happiness........lovely memory.......1976......

Saturday, 13 September 2008

a place.......

.....for music links, blogs, information ...... especially mandolin, guitar and recorder, and favourite musicians and composers........